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Coronavirus and Our Response
Housing Action Management Ltd views the safety of our staff and service users of upmost importance. COVID-19 is a new illness that can affect your lungs and airways. It's caused by a virus called coronavirus.
We are keeping a close eye on the Government updates and our adapting our business on a daily basis.
We are keeping in touch with our tenants via the phone lines and via email and are keeping a strong level of communication between everyone involved.
We are running business as usual but do ask our service users to be patient with us in these uncertain times. We are asking our service users who are self-isolating to contact the office on 01206 860271 so we are able to advise them on how to stay safe and keep any other people in the household as safe as possible.
We will have limited staff on the road, so will not be able to fix every problem reported to us immediately as we normally strive to do. We will be assessing each call that comes through to us and making decisions on what is a category 1 urgent job, and which is a category 2 less urgent job that may be able to wait for a while and is not causing immediate risk to life so therefore is no longer classed as urgent.
Before sending our staff to attend a maintenance job, you will be required to answer 4 questions which you will need to pass before we attempt to arrange staff to attend, failure to do so will result in an operative being sent to your address to assess the situation.
If you fall into the high risk most vulnerable then the government will be communicating with you shortly to give you an update on how best to keep safe, we do ask that you treat each other with kindness while we are moving forward and trying to keep business going.
We are following the Government guidelines and are keeping an eye on here.